Tips for Taking your Pup on Holiday

Puppy Dog

A holiday away is the perfect chance to relax and explore a new place - that goes for your pup too! Not only do they get a break from their usual routine, but they also have the opportunity to explore a new area - plus they won’t be separated from their much-loved owners! While travelling with your pup can be an exciting adventure, there are a few things you’re going to want to keep in mind so that you can enjoy your trip! 

Tips for transporting a puppy in car safely

Just like your human passengers, make sure your pup is strapped in tight with a seatbelt or a puppy harness. You have a few options when it comes to making sure your pup is safely restrained. 

  • Puppy harness. Harnesses are designed to keep your dog in an upright or sitting position. They fit over your pup’s head and attach around the chest and upper torso. You can then attach the harness to the car seat belt. 
  • Dog seat belt. Like a dog car harness, a dog seat belt comes in a range of sizes and can be adjusted to suit your pup. A seat belt for dogs clips directly into the buckle of the car and offers them more freedom to sit, lie down or stand. 
  • Crate. If your puppy is small enough and you have enough room in your trunk - you can always use a crate. Make sure to include comfortable bedding and a toy to keep them company. 

Whether your pup is on a harness or leash, make sure to pack other dog car accessories to make their ride as comfortable as possible. Include things like: 

  • Bedding that will encourage them to settle
  • A toy for comfort
  • A water bowl for breaks
  • A leash/collar to let them stretch their legs when you have a break.

Dog car safety 

Unrestrained pets can pose a real safety risk and can distract the driver. Plus, if the car suddenly swerves or stops, there's every chance of your pup flying into something. Despite how funny their tongue looks in the wind, you shouldn't actually allow your pup to stick their whole head out of the window due to the risk of injuring themselves - especially their eyes at high speeds. 

Other things to pack

As well as car travel essentials, you’re also going to need things to make your pup’s stay comfortable and relaxing. Before you travel, check to see the amenities and if the accommodation provides anything for your pup. However, it’s still wise to take items that your doggo is familiar with to help them settle in.

  • Bring a bed for them to sleep on 
  • Pack their favourite toy so they have something familiar with them
  • Food and water bowls
  • Their favourite food and treats. 

Travelling quick tips

  • Avoid feeding your pet 3-4  hours before travel. Keep them hydrated with water, but try to avoid any treats or food. 
  • Like humans, your pups will also need breaks to stretch their legs. Make sure to plan regular, short breaks so they can get out and stretch and also do their business. 
  • Make sure your pup has plenty of fresh air. 
  • Limit loud music or sounds when driving. Your pooches ears are sensitive so they may be frightened by loud noises. 
  • Remember to pop your phone number on your dog’s collar in case they get lost. You should also make sure they’re microchipped. 
  • Take note of the local or emergency vet in the area that you’re staying.

Most importantly make sure you do your research before you take your paw pal on holiday. Ensure that your accommodation is pet friendly and that their vaccinations are up to date. Also check for rules around where your dog can and can’t go like national parks and campgrounds. 

With all this in mind, the most important thing is to have fun! Enjoy spending quality time with your family - and your pup, in a new environment that you can explore together. 

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